Do you want to receive a postcard / cover/ registered cover / stamps from Abkhazia?
Here is how you can request it from one private person who lives there:
- Ensure there’s postal exchange between your country and Russia (international mail from Abkhazia travels through Russia first)
- Send a letter to the following address:
Alexandr Danelyan
ul. Sakharova 38
384900 Sukhum, Abkhazia
RUSSIA - Include
- self addressed envelope or postcard
- a note in Russian language (use Google translate, it works really well)
- enough money to cover stamps and postage (Abkhazia stamps are “cinderellas” and don’t pay for postage, so make sure to include money for both postage and stamps): current (Dec 2023) 20g letter or postcard regular rate is 75 rub, registered 350 rub; most stamps are of 50 rub value.
This is important — requests that do not contain enough money to cover postage will be ignored! If you are also requesting stamps on your cover or postcard, and are not including enough money to separately cover the cost of stamps, your item will be sent without stamps (it will only have Abkhazian postmark, no stamps).
- Include $2 / 2€ for his efforts.
Or ask me how I can help.